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CMB Dissertations


  • Atanas Kamburov
    Thesis: More complete and more accurate interactomes for elucidating the mechanisms of complex diseases
    Defense: 17.02.2012
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Rosa Karlic
    Thesis: Influence of histone modifications on mRNA abundance and structure
    Defense: 16.12.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Akdes Serin
    Thesis: Biclustering analysis for large scale data
    Defense: 18.11.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Marta Luksza
    Thesis: Cluster statistics and gene expression analysis
    Defense: 15.07.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Ewa Szczurek
    Thesis: Modeling signal transduction pathways and their transcriptional response
    Defense: 29.04.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Henning Stehr
    Thesis: Graph-based approaches to protein structure- and function prediction
    Defense: 30.09.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Markus Schüler
    Thesis: Bioinformatic analysis of cardiac transcription networks
    Defense: 08.07.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Christian Rödelsperger
    Thesis: Computational characterization of genome-wide DNA-binding profiles
    Defense: 19.10.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Sayed-amir Marashi
    Thesis: Constraint-based analysis of substructures of metabolic networks
    Defense: 20.05.2011
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Matthias Heinig
    Thesis: Statistical methods for the analysis of the genetics of gene expression
    Defense: 13.12.2010
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Lukas W. Chavez Wurm
    Thesis: Multivariate statistical analysis of epigenetic regulation with application to the analysis of human embryonic stem cells
    Defense: 15.12.2010
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Paz Polak
    Thesis: Discovering mutational patterns in mammals using comparative genomics
    Defense: 17. September 2010
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Marcel Schulz
    Thesis: Data Structures and Algorithms for Analysis of Alternative Splicing with RNA-seq Data
    Defense: 26. August 2010
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Holger Klein
    Thesis: Co-occurrence of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
    Defense: 12. Mai 2010
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Benjamin Georgi
    Thesis: Context-specific independence mixture models for cluster analysis of biological data
    Defense: 10. Juni 2009
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Helge Roider
    Thesis: Eukaryotic promoter analysis by means of a biophysical model for DNA transcription factor interactions
    Defense: 11. November 2008
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Philipp Messer
    Thesis: Tandem Duplications in the Human Genome
    Defense: 20. März 2008
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Ho-Joon Lee
    Thesis: Computational Genomic Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation
    Defense: 29. April 2008
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Ivan Gesteira Costa Filho
    Thesis: Mixture Models for the Analysis of Gene Expression
    Defense: 29. Mai 2008
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Utz Pape
    Thesis: Statistics for Transcription Factor Binding Sites
    Defense: 10. Oktober 2008


  • Abha Singh Bais
    Thesis: Annotated Alignments
    Defense: 11. July 2007
    [Digital Dissertation]
  • Wasinee Rungsarityotin
    Thesis: Algorithmus zur Identifikation von Protein-Komplexen in high-throughput Daten
    Defense: 09. November 2007
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Florian Markowetz
    Thesis: Probabilistic Models for Gene Silencing Data
    Defense: 26. April 2006
    [Digital Dissertation]

  • Jochen Jäger
    Thesis: Deriving small diagnostic biomarker panels from genome wide, clinical microarray studies
    Defense: 19. July 2006
    [Digital Dissertation]

  • Stefanie Christina Scheid
    Thesis: Novel Concepts for the Significance Analysis of Microarray Data
    Defense: 27. Oktober 2006
    [Digital Dissertation]

  • Dennis Kostka
    Thesis: Methodology for exploring and communicating molecular characteristics of disease
    Defense: 11. December 2006

  • Hannes Luz
    Thesis: Family Specific Rates of Protein Evolution
    Defense:20. December 2006


  • Christoph Dieterich
    Thesis: Comparative sequence analysis and association mining in gene regulation
    Defense: 04. March 2005
    [Digital Dissertation]

  • Shobhit Gupta
    Thesis: EST-based detection and analysis of mammalian transcripts
    Defense: 16. November 2005
    [Digital Dissertation]


  • Sven Rahmann
    Thesis: Algorithms for Probe Selection and Microarray Design
    Defense: 28.06.2004