Gene Structure and Array DesignMain focus of the group is the development of algorithms and tools for the analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. The recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies led to an enormous increase in the amount of data generated. Furthermore, steadily improving and newly emerging technologies require a continuous adaptation of existing software. In many cases dedicated software has to be developed to efficiently handle and analyze the vast amount of sequencing data. While a few processing steps like quality control and mapping are quite independent of the sequencing application (e.g. ChIP-seq, re-sequencing) for each application specific software is needed to address the questions of interest. Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) [Schulz, Richard, Sun, Haas]
Given our early experience with RNA-seq data the group was among the first to develop algorithms to evaluate transcript expression based on NGS data. Our tools CASI and DASI allow the detection of alternative transcript expression within one cell-type or of differential expression of transcripts across different samples, respectively. In addition, we implemented an EM-based method, POEM, to even quantify expression of alternative transcripts. These predictions were subsequently validated experimentally on samples of HEK and B-cells in collaboration with the group of Marie-Laure Yaspo.
Besides the aspect of studying transcript expression a main challenge is to assemble transcripts reliably from short read sequences. This task is complicated by the fact that the abundance of reads originating from different transcripts may vary in several orders of magnitude caused by different expression levels. We therefore developed a de novo assembly tool (Oases) that efficiently reconstructs transcripts taken estimated expression levels into account.
In a collaborative project with the MPI for neurological research we recently started to apply state-of-the-art mapping tools as well as de novo assembly as a basis for the detection of fusion transcripts in samples of small-cell lung carcinomas. Such artificial transcripts may be prime candidate mutations driving tumor progression as shown for other tumor types.
Detection of disease-causing mutations (Re-sequencing)
A major application of NGS is the sequencing of entire genomes or genomic regions of interest to determine the specific genotype of an individual. This information can be either used to unravel evolutionary relationships or e.g. to uncover mutations associated with a certain phenotype. In contrast to traditional methods NGS-based re-sequencing allows a comprehensive but also less biased screening for sequence variations (SV) at even lower costs. Selected Publications
Bioinformatics, 28(5):619-627 Love MI, Mysicková A, Sun R, Kalscheuer V, Vingron M, Haas SA. (2011) Modeling Read Counts for CNV Detection in Ex ome Sequencing Data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 10(1), Article 52 Najmabadi H, Hu H, Garshasbi M, Zemojtel T, Abedini SS, Chen W, Hosseini M, Behjati F, Haas S, Jamali P, Zecha A, Mohseni M, Put tmann L, Vahid LN, Jensen C, Moheb LA, Bienek M, Larti F, Mueller I, Weissmann R, Darvish H, Wrogemann K, Hadavi V, Lipkowitz B, Esm aeeli-Nieh S, Wieczorek D, Kariminejad R, Firouzabadi SG, Cohen M, Fattahi Z, Rost I, Mojahedi F, Hertzberg C, Dehghan A, Rajab A, B anavandi MJ, Hoffer J, Falah M, Musante L, Kalscheuer V, Ullmann R, Kuss AW, Tzschach A, Kahrizi K, Ropers HH. (2011) Deep seq uencing reveals 50 novel genes for recessive cognitive disorders. Nature, 478(7367):57-63. Schraders M, Haas SA, Weegerink NJ, Oostrik J, Hu H, Hoefsloot LH, Kannan S, Huygen PL, Pennings RJ, Admiraal RJ, Kalscheuer VM, Kunst HP, Kremer H. (2011) Next-Generation Sequencing Identifies Mutations of SMPX, which Encodes the Small Muscle Protein, X -Linked, as a Cause of Progressive Hearing Impairment. Am J Hum Genet., 88:628-634 Contact: Stefan Haas MPI for Molecular Genetics Computational Molecular Biology Ihnestr. 73 D-14195 Berlin Phone: + 49 + 30 8413 1164 Fax: + 49 + 30 8413 1152 Email: stefan.haas@molgen.mpg.de